Otter Street Fishing Club
Clubhouse Address
1204 Ceape Ave • Oshkosh, WI 54901
Mailing Address
PO BOX 271 • Oshkosh, WI 54903
Kid's Fisheree
Countdown to our 2024 Kid's Fisheree starts now!
AUGUST 10th 2024
Watch this short informational video to learn more about our annual OSFC Kid's Fisheree!
Open to children ages 3-12, this 100% free event is fueled by our dedicated volunteers, generous sponsors and Board.
All pre-registered children receive free entry into the fishing contest, free lunch, worms to fish, door prize, and oftentimes free fishing related gear donated by sponsors (examples of what we've done in previous years: a fishing rod or a fully equipped ready-to-fish tackle box, and more).
Registration for the 2024 event will be online this year, and is strictly limited to the first 300 kids. Our 2023 event was incredibly popular and we filled up (and had a waitlist) - Watch for updated on Facebook.
As many as you’d like, provided they are between the ages of 3-12.
While Membership to OSFC is not required, it is an excellent way to help us continue to fund free events like this for the youth in our community. Additionally there are many benefits to membership, and dues also go directly into conservation projects right here in your local fishing community (fishing piers and docks, events like this, DNR studies, etc.) Click here to join our club on an annual basis or lifetime option - your kiddos can become members, too!
It is always the Monday before the event. But, is limited to the first 300 children. Whichever occurs first.
While we do accept walk-ins, it is STRONGLY recommended to register, as we cap the bonus free prizes, and fishing gear to the first 300 kids. Additionally, draw prizes and the free fishing pole are reserved solely for registered children. The deadline to register is always the Monday before the event or the first 300 children registered.
The tent is placed at the corner of Menominee Drive & Hazel Street in Oshkosh. You can fish anywhere along the shoreline (including the Point), provided you can hear the PA system as we do announce prize winners that way.
The 2024 event will be held Saturday, August 10th. You can start checking-in your registered child(ren) at 8:30, and must be completely checked-in by 9:45. Flare start at 10am, and fishing concludes at 12:00pm.
Top 3 for the following categories (with trophies for each place within each category!)
Biggest Fish
Smallest Fish
Most Fish
REGISTER them them by the deadline, preferably way earlier! We also have amazing event sponsors who donate GRAND prizes in memoriam of their loved ones…including kid’s bikes, outdoor gear, etc.
Watch for an online registration page to go live in July 2024 - Follow us on Facebook to be notified on when it becomes available.
No, you must fish from shore near the headquarters.
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