Otter Street Fishing Club


Clubhouse Address

1204 Ceape Ave • Oshkosh, WI 54901

Mailing Address

PO BOX 271 • Oshkosh, WI 54902

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We've been so lucky to have established decades-long relationships with our generous sponsors, and as our Club and events have continued to evolve, the ability to get involved via sponsorship has also become more flexible. To align with what makes sense for your business at any given time.

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Think of this as a main sponsor at one of our four-fundraising events. If your brand is more aligned or associated with one event over the others, then it only makes sense for you to elect to be an "Event Sponsor."

Think of it like this: if you're an ice fishing brand, it might make the most sense to sponsor (monetary, product donations, etc.) our Winter Fisheree, since the bulk of the attendees are also into ice fishing....max exposure with your ideal customer!


This is were our local brands have been immense assets to keeping the spirit of our mission strong in the community. If you're feeling more aligned with helping us better the local fishing community through monetary or product donations to ANY of our events, or causes, then...a general "Club Sponsor" is the right fit for you! Same great exposure as an Event Sponsor, but just a more broad fit!

Example: your donation maybe used for things like purchasing prizes for our events, raffling off your donated prize, using funds to improve the community (see our Contributions page for greater detail), and so much more!


There are plenty of direct and indirect benefits to becoming a long-term partner of Otter Street through sponsorship - here are just a couple of perks that our awesome Event and Club Sponsors continue to enjoy.

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Event Signage

Posters are displayed at our events and online so all of our attendees know who's supporting the fishing club they love!

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Great PR

Imagine being associated with a Club that has a strong following with it's roots firmed planted in conservation for over six decades. OSFC and you make a perfect pair!

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Social Media Tags

We have an extremely active and loyal social media following with nearly 8K followers. We tag our sponsors and often encourage patronage of your brand!

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Email Blasts

We have a strong database of event participants, conservation and fishing-lovers who may just love to hear about how you've supported and sponsored our events. Remember, loyal following!

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Feel-Good Contributions

When you sponsor Otter Street there's a ton of tangible benefit, like we discussed earlier. But the genuine-feel-good sense of contributing to and supporting a cause that does so much good in the angling community is a feeling that is tough to beat!


Otter Street is a 100% volunteer club focused on the betterment of fishing on the Lake Winnebago system. Founded in 1961, we have six decades worth of conservation and community-based giving.


PO BOX 271 • Oshkosh, WI 54902

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